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Lenten Devotional 3-7-2023


Hello all! Today’s devotional comes to us from Amari Harris. Amari is a senior English and Political Science double major and Philosophy minor. She is pre-law and serves as Secretary of Pre-Law Association for Marginalized Students (PAMS), the President for the Word of Truth Gospel Choir, the Events Coordinator for TCU’s chapter of IGNITE, and the student representative for TCU’s Clark Society of Directors. Amari is hard working, inquisitive, kind, and lovable, and I trust you will enjoy her devotional today!

Philippians 4:6-7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

 Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”


Anxiety. Most people have heard of it, and more people than you may think suffer from it. Whether you’re a person reeling from your 9-5, a busy parent trying to keep your house from falling apart, or a college student just trying to make it through midterms, the feeling is unmistakable and its toll is often crippling.

I, like many of my peers, have been dealing with anxiety for a while now, and it has only been amplified during my time away at college. However, one thing I have done to help curb the feeling when I sense that dark cloud looming over me is to pray. Not just a quick prayer that I have heard over and over again in church, but a unique and intentional prayer to God over my situation. I have been practicing intentionally talking to God so that I may hand my worries, fears, and stressor over to Him.

I do not say this to declare that prayer on its own is the final solution for everyone (or even myself). Instead, I offer these words as a reminder that you are never truly alone. It may often feel like everything is too much to bear by yourself, and, truly, it can be. We are not meant to fight our battles without assistance, and I have found that my biggest struggle is remembering that, even when I think there is no one by my side, I will always have God in my corner. His love and His fight will always outweigh anything you feel may be keeping you down. It is just up to us to trust in Him and let go of the burdens we are lugging around.

Let us pray

Dear Lord, thank you for the life You have bestowed upon us. We come to you with our walls down and our hearts open. We know that the battles we face are not the end for us and that the pain we carry is not ours to bear alone. Your love and mercy touch our souls, even when we think you have forgotten about us. We know that we are covered by Your grace and protected by the Holy Spirit. We ask only for the strength to know that, in all we face, You are always by our side. Amen.


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