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Advent Devotional 12/21/16

December 21, 2016, Dr. Michael Faggella-Luby
Scripture: Zechariah 9:9
Rejoice Greatly!
I recently received a Christmas gift from someone and found myself totally unprepared. I was embarrassed at the overwhelming generosity, thoughtfulness, and kindness of this sweet soul. With exams piled high on my desk, a paper to write for deadline, and my own children’s gifts barely imagined, I stood humbled in front of her. Much like the little drummer boy, I had no gift to give.
As I stood desperate to make an appropriate response, I recalled how appropriate this moment was to the season. The season of light in the darkness, when the gift of God’s love is delivered in the form of the child Messiah. God’s light that is bright, and warm, and sustaining against the darkness. Light that we may believe we do not deserve, light that we are not prepared for, light that we do not have to earn, but light that we are given anyway. So how do we respond:
We rejoice greatly! We remember all that is meant by the coming of the Christmas season! We smile a little easier, we laugh a little more, and we sing songs of hope a little louder! We rejoice in the gift of God’s love for us and the gift of the baby Jesus come to be with us! We rejoice for the gift we are unprepared for, because in the rejoicing we are our most thankful!
Loving and gracious God, we rejoice in the gift of your love and the gift of light in the darkness. May You hear the sounds of our laughter and singing in grateful thanksgiving. Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus! 


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