Joining the world of social media, or at least the world of blogging, ‘late’ feels somewhat like being the last one to a dinner party. It’s not that we didn’t want to come join the fun, it’s just that it always seemed like we where headed someplace else. That’s a challenge for those of us who are clergy, and perhaps all of us: we don’t want to spend time in front of a computer because we want to be ‘out in the world’. However, truth be told, for so many these days, posts, tweets, pins and blogs are in fact living pieces of that very world we want to be in.
So, here we are. For years, we’ve been sharing the reflections, devotionals and thoughts of TCU students, faculty and staff during the seasons of Advent and Lent. We’ll now share those here…along with an occasional post through the rest of the year. In all that you’ll find here, we hope you’ll see the diverse and beautiful mosaic of individuals and viewpoints that make up TCU. In all that you find here, we hope you’ll see the mission of our department and university embodied in the words of its members whose words are posted. And finally, whether it’s thought-provoking or reflective, challenging or compassionate – we hope you’ll find of course…horned frogs.
So we made it. Now where’s the cheese dip?