TCU Family,
Today’s Lenten devotional is written by Dr. Jessica Ledbetter. Jessica arrived at TCU in the fall of 2011 as a Business Law professor in the Neeley School of Business. She taught for six years in Neeley prior to enrolling in the Higher Education Leadership doctoral program in the TCU College of Education. After earning her Ed.D. in May 2021, Jessica now serves as an Assistant Dean in the Dean of Students Office. When she is not working at TCU, she is spending time with her husband and her two daughters, cooking and baking, reading, and spending as much time outdoors as possible. May her words stay with you in the days ahead.
“A Season of Rest”
Reading: Matthew 11:28-30 (ESV), “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Reflection: We spend so much time rushing between this, that, and the next thing, it is often hard to find the time to slow down and reflect. In the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1, we are reminded that God has created a season for “every matter under heaven.” That includes seasons of rest.
Although the 40 days leading up to Easter are meant as a time of preparation, Lent is also set aside to provide us with the space to pause, meditate, and find peace and comfort in the sacrifice of Christ’s crucifixion – the sacrifice that gives us ultimate rest. Through our reflection and recognition of Christ’s death on the cross and resurrection – Jesus’ triumph over death and sin – the Lord beckons us to find rest in Jesus, the great burden-taker.
As we progress through this Lenten season, it is important to seek moments of quiet solitude and allow Jesus to whisper the truth of His loving sacrifice into our hearts. Let us frequently contemplate Jesus’ words captured in the book of Matthew, instructing us to come to Him with our burdens. Allow Jesus to take your burdens, your worries, your cares, so you may rest your soul.
Let Us Pray:
Father God, use this season of waiting to grow my humility. Help me to understand the truth of your sacrifice on the cross and the depth of your love for me. When I feel anxious or fearful, calm my heart and draw me back toward peace by reminding me that my ultimate rest comes from your victory over death. Amen.