Good Morning All,
Today’s devotional is written by Coleman Maxwell. Coleman is the assistant Fellowship of Christian Athletes character coach for the athletic programs here at TCU.
His love for Jesus and his passion to mentor and disciple athletes is his focus. You can also check out to get more information on the ministry of FCA!
Matthew 26:39, “And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”
The adverb that Jesus communicated to God the Father was a beautiful depiction of the hypostatic union. Nevertheless. This adverb connected Jesus’ fully human side and his fully divine ability. The hypostatic union is a Christological term used to describe the union of Christ’s humanity and divinity in one hypostasis, or individual existence.
I love this verse because we see that Jesus, being fully human, is feeling the weight, sorrow, and anguish of the cup of wrath that is due to him on our behalf (Matt. 26:38) as sinful humans. We see the authentic, human side of Jesus expressing his realization of the gruesome crucifixion he’s about to experience. But we also see Jesus pray to God the Father and tell him “not as I will, but as you will,” displaying His divine ability to voluntarily and perfectly submit himself to his Father’s will. We know that Jesus’ selfless submission ultimately led to his death, burial, and resurrection! The greatest act of selfless love that impacted the globe and enabled salvation (Romans 10:9).
During this Lenten season, there is an opportunity for you and I to take heed to the example of Jesus. Utilizing the same adverb, nevertheless, to submit your life to the will of God and to the satisfaction that only God can give, instead of our own “self-sufficiency.” God knows what’s best for our lives far better than we as mere humans do. Just as God knew that it was necessary to send his son to display his love for sinful humanity (Romans 5:8), God also knows what’s best and necessary for your life, and my life. Therefore, submitting our lives to God is the remedy to pursuing a life of true satisfaction. Will you be intentional about submitting your life to God and his purpose for your life today, while it is called today?
Jesus, thank you for being obedient to the Father’s will. This ultimately gave me an opportunity to experience true life through a personal relationship with you, of which you enabled on the cross. Holy Spirit, will you give us the wisdom to submit to God’s will, in the midst of being distracted by so many temporary things in this world? Thank you so much for the eternal hope that you provide for your people! Amen.