Hello TCU Family,
Today’s devotional comes from Alicia Youngblood. Alicia is a campus minister for Chi Alpha (Assemblies of God). Visit their website to learn more about this student ministry on TCU’s campus. Alicia loves her calling as a campus pastor, her family, and brownies! May her words bring you comfort as we continue our Lenten journey.
John 19:30, “When Jesus had tasted it, he said, ‘It is finished!’ Then He bowed his head and gave up His Spirit.”
The words of Jesus in this passage hold such significance for those of us who follow Him. It is finished. His time on Earth, his season of ministry, and his time of suffering on the cross were finished. But more than that, death was finished. His sacrifice on the cross ensured that the people of God no longer had to fear eternal separation from Him because of their sins. The promise of eternity with Him was secured as He breathed His last breath on the cross.
In addition to death and the power of Hell, I think there was so much more that was finished that day. Worry and fear can be finished as well. When we know that we are held in the hands of God with a promise of forever with Him, we can look at struggles in this world and have hope beyond the hardship. Jesus promised His followers in John 16:33 that “in this world you will have trouble.” As believers, we are not exempt from pain and hardship in this life. But the full verse says, “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” It is finished.
If you are facing struggles this Lenten season, I want to encourage you that God is in the struggle with you and He has already won the battle. Does that mean it won’t be difficult? Absolutely not. This year has been incredibly challenging for so many- lives lost, centuries of racial discrimination coming to head, financial struggles, isolation, fear for our lives and our health amidst a global pandemic, and so much more. But those of us who trust in Christ know that He has overcome the things of this world. He offers the promise of eternity with him where there will be no more crying or pain. With His final breath on the cross, Jesus gave us the gift of hope that comes with salvation and relationship with Him. Let’s cling to the hope of Jesus through whatever struggles or hardships we may face in this season, and trust that He can give us peace.
Jesus, thank you for your struggle on the cross. Thank you for overcoming the world and giving us the hope of a future with you. As we face hardships, help us to remember that we can have peace because of your death and resurrection. Grant us the peace that only you can give as we reflect on your sacrifice during this Lenten season.