February 26, 2015 By: Robyn Reid
Psalm 42
1 As a deer longs for flowing streams,
so my soul longs for you, O God.
2 My soul thirsts for God,
for the living God.
I often feel hypocritical as a Christian because I pray so rarely. It often feels beyond my comprehension to sit down and “connect” to an entity that I do not fully understand. What I do know is that I long for this connection.
What I’ve been learning lately is that mediation is about making space to experience the presence of God, and it requires some imagination.
Most people I know would describe me as a creative person, and creativity is something I value. However, too often I squash my imagination, and thus my creativity. I don’t know what commentary in the world I’ve been listening to, but it hasn’t been very positive or validating. Too often I let those “voices in my head” tell me that imagining is childish, silly, unproductive, and a waste of time. But when I do that, I’m denying part of who God created me to be, and it limits my ability to connect with God and with others.
We often refer to God as our Creator. God created the earth and everything in it. God created us in God’s image, which means that we are also creators. Our creativity and imaginations are gifts. In this season of Lent, let’s give up those fears that invalidate us as the creative and imaginative people God created us to be. If we do, we will experience more connectedness with God and with others.
God, help me give up my fear of what the world thinks of me. I long for connection with you. Help me to use the creative gifts you’ve given me to connect with you and with others.