Week 2: Preparation
Thank you for taking the time to sit with our annual Advent Devotionals. As we move into a busy month of exams and holiday preparation, we invite you to sit with the words of members of the TCU community. Our next devotional comes from Dr. Bonnie Melhart, TCU’s Associate Provost for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies & University Programs. Her words resonate and hum in a season where it can be difficult to find space for grief.
Words to Ponder
I have a lot of wooden nutcrackers. Large, small, super large, tiny. Red, blue, white, purple, green, black, gold. I have been collecting for a long time, and I put them out only at Christmastime. My grandchildren like to play with them. This is fun for the children, but not so good for the nutcrackers. Every year there are lost feet, limbs, weapons, hats, and sometimes even heads. Even if I glue everything back together in January, the attic heat of Texas summers takes a toll. So I got them out of the box last weekend and discovered that a lot of repair and loving care would be needed before this is once again the enchanting display I imagined. It would not be enough to just take everything out of the box.
I sort of feel that way about the whole of Christmas this year. I lost a parent earlier in the year and am finding my Christmas readiness a bit lacking – perhaps not in feet, weapons, or hats, but nonetheless in need of repair and loving care. I am going to have to do more preparing this year to be ready to experience the wonder and joy of the advent season. We all have to do more than just take things out of the boxes. The preparation is the deep breath to clear our blurry vision before looking ahead. Without it we will miss the good news – will only see the outward signs (the boxes). Without preparation we will not experience the renewal this season has for us.
I have brought out the glue gun and spare parts and have my nutcrackers looking pretty good. My own preparation will take a bit longer and much more effort. But I am ready to begin and already thinking of ways to spend time repairing and polishing my broken edges to receive the wonderful gift soon to be presented again by the most loving Parent. I know there are many along with me on the journey. “Prepare ye the way!”